Oilz Finance: Revenue Optimization From Sustainable Digital Assets With Smart Features

Mas Ketert
5 min readMar 19, 2022



The development of digital currency or known as cryptocurrency seems to be an alternative currency for various groups, Doge is one of the digital currencies that can already be used for transaction services at outlets in some countries. Some countries have also made Bitcoin a legal currency for daily transactions. Currently there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the market, but not all of them can maintain liquidity. A project that has good fundamental sustainability helps maintain the stability of digital currency prices in its ecosystem. The project developer must be able to carry out the project according to the roadmap and ensure that everything is achieved properly in order to generate good liquidity. Oilz Finance provides project certainty that can provide definite benefits through concrete steps in the project. Oilz Finance provides a decentralized financial asset and platform that rewards users with a sustainable, compound interest model through the use of a unique OAP protocol. It's not just the OAP protocol that supports this project to maintain $OilZ's liquidity. Of the many features available, burning the $OilZ coin is a step that has been implemented on several other platforms and is believed to be able to maintain the stability of crypto currency prices.

What is Oilz.Finance?...

Oilz.Finance Protocol claims differently, neither offers the opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to indirectly invest in startups simply by buying coins or tokens.

Oilz.Finance is an extraordinary project and it is very clear that they prioritize the security and transparency of this project. Their community is getting bigger every day. everyone to join and keep up with the progress

Oilz.Finance provides a decentralized financial asset and platform that rewards users with a sustainable, compound interest model through the use of a unique OAP protocol.

Oilz Auto-Staking Protocol (OAP for short) is a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, more efficient and provides $OilZ token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.

OAP provides automatic staking and compounding features of Oilz.Finance tokens, and APY remains the highest in the market at 498.249% for the first 12 months. Oilz.Finance is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Oilz.Finance token holders. Our OAP protocol used in the Oilz.Finance token provides tremendous benefits to $OilZ holders:

  1. Low Risk with Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV) — 4% of all trading costs are deposited in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support wagering rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
  2. Easy and Automatic Staking Safe — Oilz.Finance tokens are always stored in your wallet so they don't need to be handed over to third parties or centralized authorities. The Oilz AutoStake feature is an advanced function called the Buy-Hold-Get system, which provides the ultimate in ease of use for $OilZ holders. By simply buying and holding $OilZ in your wallet, you earn rebase rewards as interest payments straight to your wallet. Your token will increase every 15 minutes.
  3. Interest Yield with Automatic Payments — you don't have to worry about staking your tokens back. Interest results are paid automatically and pooled in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.
  4. APY Remains High — Oilz.Finance paid out 498.249% in the first 12 months rivaling anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months, the interest rate falls above the predetermined Compound Interest in the Perpetuity period.
  5. Express Interest Payments — The Oilz.Finance protocol pays each Oilz.Finance Token holder every 15 minutes or 96 times daily, making it the fastest auto-incorporation protocol in crypto.
  6. Auto Token Burn — One of the interesting features of Oilz.Finance Protocol is the automatic token burn system called “The Defenders” which prevents the circulating supply from getting out of hand and getting out of hand. Defenders burn 3% of all market sales of Oilz.Finance Tokens and are burned in the same individual transactions.

OilZ Auto-Staking Protocol (OAP) feature

  • $OILZ . tokens
    $OILZ is the native token for which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0.0243% interest every 15 minutes just for holding $OILZ tokens in their own wallet!
  • Auto Compound
    Paying Protocol Auto-Staking and Auto-Compounding with APY remains the highest 498.249% in the crypto space.
    Rewards interest is added every 15 minutes for every BSC wallet holding $OILZ . tokens
  • Assessment of OILZ Insurance Fund (IFV)
    4% of all trading fees are held in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support bet rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk
  • OILZ Treasury
    The treasury serves as additional financial support for the IFV in the event of an extreme drop in the price of the $OILZ token or an unexpected black swan event.
    It helps to set the base value for the $OILZ token. Oilz Treasury provides funding for new OilZ.Finance products, projects and marketing activities
  • Defender
    3% of all $OILZ traded is burned on The Defenders.
    The more that is traded, the more is put into the fire causing the fire pit to get bigger, bigger through self-fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable.

Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV)

Protect Holders by:
Achieving long-term sustainability and future growth of the OilZ Protocol
Greatly reduces the extreme drop in the price of $OILZ tokens
Avoid flash crashes through price stability
Ways of working

4% of all trading fees are held in the OilZ Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support the betting rewards provided by positive rebase


Burn Token Supply to:
Prevent circulating supplies from getting out of hand and getting out of control.
Offset positive rebase flower printing.
How it works
3% of all $OILZ traded is burned on The Defenders
The more that is traded, the more is put into the fire causing the fire pit to get bigger, bigger through self-fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable

Where Can I Buy $OILZ?...


Oilz Finance_Token A quality and beautiful project. The project will take a much better stage on the initiative of all experienced team members. It will certainly be a successful project as it has a great team that is more than qualified and focused on making this project a success.

#OILZFINANCE #autostaking #autocompounding #Crypto #investments #investor #moneychallenge #defiyield #Definews #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi


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